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Documenti trovati: 2

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Citazioni bibliografiche:
1) Sadan, Ariḳ, n. 1975 Islamic Terminology, the Ephithets and Names Used for God, and Proper Nouns in Yefet Ben 'Eli's Translation of the Book of Job in Judeo-Arabic, In Senses of Scripture, Treasures of Tradition: a Comparative Study of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Sources, ed. Miriam L. Hjälm (Biblia Arabica 5) 2017.
Citazioni bibliografiche:
2) Sadan, Ariḳ, n. 1975 Islamic Terminology, the Ephithets and Names Used for God, and Proper Nouns in Yefet Ben 'Eli's Translation of the Book of Job in Judeo-Arabic, In Senses of Scripture, Treasures of Tradition: a Comparative Study of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Sources, ed. Miriam L. Hjälm (Biblia Arabica 5) 2017.

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