Catalogo Manoscritti

ID: 194598
Informazioni generali
Segnatura Borg.ebr.17

Locus 2r-206v
Titolo supplito [תורה, מגילות והפטרות].
Titolo supplito Five Scrolls and Haftarot.
Titolo uniforme Biblia. V.T. Gruppi, scelte. Ebraico
Titolo uniforme Hafṭarot
Nota With vowel points and accents, Masorah Magna and Parva. No masorah is supplied to the haftarot.
Nota Includes Pentateuch (ff. 2r-137r), Canticles (ff. 137v-139v), Ruth (ff. 139v-142r), Lamentations (ff. 142r-144v), Ecclesiastes (ff. 144v-149v), Esther (ff. 149v-155r) and haftarot (ff. 157r-206v).
Nota The text is missing from the beginning until Genesis i:23 and was completed at the beginning of the manuscript by a folio from another manuscript until Genesis ii:12 and again, in another hand, from Genesis i:1 until i:23.
Nota Some completions and corrections in the margins.
Nota Later Italian hands added the blessings for the reading of the haftarot on f. 156r and some indications of the haftarot according to the Roman rite ' מנהג קהל הקדוש מרומ (ff. 176v, 179v et al.)

Legami ipertestuali
Segnatura Borg.ebr.17
Titolo uniformeBiblia. V.T. Gruppi, scelte. Ebraico
Titolo uniformeHafṭarot