Catalogo Manoscritti

ID: 199058
Informazioni generali
Segnatura Vat.ebr.236

Locus 219r-281v
Autore Yaʾaḳov ben Sheshet, Gerondi, sec. XIII (interno)
Altro autore Mosheh ben Naḥman, c. 1195-c. 1270. Opere spurie e dubbie (interno)
Titolo האמונה והבטחון
Titolo supplito Ha-Emunah veha-Bitaḥon
Nota Attributed to Moses b. Naḥman. According to some authorities the true author was Jacob b. Sheshet (cf. E. Gottlieb, "הקבלה בכתבי ר' יוסף ג'קטילה ובספר "מערכת האלהות "Meḥkarim", p. 340).
Nota End missing
Nota At the end the scribe added a note reporting that the end of the treatise was missing in his copy and that the continuation of the commentary on Lamentations would follow: סליק זה לא מצא יותר. "מפי עליון" הו' מפירו' איכה אשר חסר לקמן בפירו' חמש מגילות קודם זה ס"ג דפין

Legami ipertestuali
Segnatura Vat.ebr.236
AutoreYaʾaḳov ben Sheshet, Gerondi, sec. XIII
Altro autore/nomeMosheh ben Naḥman, c. 1195-c. 1270. Opere spurie e dubbie