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Documenti trovati: 6

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Citazioni bibliografiche:
1) Pritchard, Roger Telfryn, 1940- Another ms. of the Alexander-Dindimus-Debate: London, Lambeth Palace Library 499, In Scriptorium
2) Pritchard, Roger Telfryn, 1940- The “Ambrose” Text of Alexander and the Brahmans, In C&M Classica et mediaevalia
Citazioni bibliografiche:
3) Pritchard, Roger Telfryn, 1940- Another ms. of the Alexander-Dindimus-Debate: London, Lambeth Palace Library 499, In Scriptorium 1993
4) Pritchard, Roger Telfryn, 1940- The “Ambrose” Text of Alexander and the Brahmans, In C&M Classica et mediaevalia 1993
Citazioni bibliografiche:
5) Pritchard, Roger Telfryn, 1940- Another ms. of the Alexander-Dindimus-Debate: London, Lambeth Palace Library 499, In Scriptorium 1993
6) Pritchard, Roger Telfryn, 1940- The “Ambrose” Text of Alexander and the Brahmans, In C&M Classica et mediaevalia 1993

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