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Citazioni bibliografiche:
1) Walter, Christopher, 1925- Biographical scenes of the Three Hierarchs, In Revue des études byzantines
2) Walter, Christopher, 1925- Church appointments in Byzantine iconography, In Eastern Churches Review
Citazioni bibliografiche:
3) Walter, Christopher, 1925- The iconographical sources for the coronation of Milutin and Simonida at Gradanica, In L'art byzantin au debut du XIVe siècle, 1978
4) Walter, Christopher, 1925- Christological Themes in the Byzantine Marginal Psalters from the Ninth to the Eleventh Century, In Revue des études byzantines 1986
5) Walter, Christopher, 1925- Le souvenir du IIe concile de Nicée dans l'iconographie byzantine, In Nicée II, 787-1987. Douze siècles d'images religieuses. Actes du Colloque international, Paris 2-4 oct. 1986, 1987
6) Walter, Christopher, 1925- The Aristocratic Psalters and Ode Illustration in Byzantium, In Byslav 1990
7) Walter, Christopher, 1925- The Iconography of the Prophet Habakkuk, In Revue des études byzantines 1989
8) Walter, Christopher, 1925- Latter-day" Saints in the Model for the London and Barberini Psalters, In Revue des études byzantines 1988
9) Walter, Christopher, 1925- Papal Political Imagery in the Medieval Lateran Palace, In Cahiers archéologiques 1970
10) Walter, Christopher, 1925- Pictures of the clergy in the Theodore Psalter, In Revue des études byzantines 1973

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