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Documenti trovati: 5

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Citazioni bibliografiche:
1) Benton, John Frederick, 1931-1988 ‎ Theocratic history in fourteenth-century France: the «Liber bellorum Domini» by Pierre de la Palu (University of Pennsylvania Ms. Lea 45), In The Library Chronicle. A Journal of Librarianship and Bibliography
Citazioni bibliografiche:
2) Ouy, Gilbert In Search of the Earliest Traces of French Humanism: the evidence from Codicology, In The Library Chronicle. A Journal of Librarianship and Bibliography
Citazioni bibliografiche:
3) Ouy, Gilbert In Search of the Earliest Traces of French Humanism: the evidence from Codicology, In The Library Chronicle. A Journal of Librarianship and Bibliography
Citazioni bibliografiche:
4) Ouy, Gilbert In Search of the Earliest Traces of French Humanism: the evidence from Codicology, In The Library Chronicle. A Journal of Librarianship and Bibliography
Citazioni bibliografiche:
5) Peters, E. M. Editing inquisitors' manuals in the sixteenth century: Francisco Peña and the «Directorium inquisitorum» of Nicholas Eymeric, In The Library Chronicle. A Journal of Librarianship and Bibliography 1974

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