Catalogo Manoscritti

ID: 196255
Informazioni generali
Segnatura Vat.ebr.101

Locus 1r-32r
Titolo supplito [ברית החדשה מתי]
Titolo supplito New Testament, Matthew.
Titolo uniforme Biblia. N.T. Evang. sec. Matthaeum. Ebraico
Nota In the Hebrew translation found in Shem Tov ibn Shaprut's "Even Boḥan".
Nota End missing from ואותם הדברי' עצמם אמרו לו הגנבים (xxvii:44).
Nota Two folios from another manuscript on different paper from another translation identical to the one printed by Sebastian Münster (Basel 1537) were added at the end to complete the missing text (ff. 31r-32r) and there is some overlapping.
Nota On the question of the authorship of the translation in "Even Boḥan", cf. L. Garshowitz, “Shem Tov ben Isaac Ibn Shaprut's gospel of Matthew.” "The Frank Talmage Memorial Volume", i (1993), pp. 297-322.

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Segnatura Vat.ebr.101
Titolo uniformeBiblia. N.T. Evang. sec. Matthaeum. Ebraico