Catalogo Manoscritti

ID: 197183
Informazioni generali
Segnatura Vat.ebr.21

Locus 1v-143r
Titolo supplito [ספר ויקרא עם ההפטרות ומגילת שיר השירים]
Titolo supplito The Book of Leviticus, its haftarot and Canticles
Titolo uniforme Biblia. V.T. Leviticus. Ebraico
Titolo uniforme Hafṭarot
Titolo uniforme Biblia. V.T. Canticum Canticorum. Ebraico
Nota The Book of Leviticus (ff. 1v-88r), its haftarot (ff. 89v-133r) and Canticles (ff. 133v-143r).
Nota With vowel points and accents.
Nota Masorah Parva is supplied for the text of Leviticus and Masorah Magna as well for Canticles.
Nota The haftarot include those recited on Passover and they, as well as the haftarah for pericope "Ẓav", contain the Aramaic Targum after each verse. Also includes haftarot for "Shabbat Rosh Ḥodesh" and "Maḥar Ḥodesh" and for fast days. The blessings for reading the haftarot were copied on f. 88v and those for the Torah were added by a later Ashkenazic hand on f. 89r. The haftarot for the second of the two pericopes read together ("Meẓora", "Kedoshim" and "Be-Ḥukkotai") were not copied.

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Segnatura Vat.ebr.21
Titolo uniformeBiblia. V.T. Leviticus. Ebraico
Titolo uniformeHafṭarot
Titolo uniformeBiblia. V.T. Canticum Canticorum. Ebraico