Catalogo Manoscritti

ID: 197402
Informazioni generali
Segnatura Vat.ebr.22

Locus 1r-131v
Titolo supplito [מגילות והפטרות]
Titolo supplito Five Scrolls and haftarot according to the Ashkenazic rite
Titolo uniforme Hafṭarot
Nota With vocalization and accents
Nota Beginning missing
Nota Includes Canticles ii:4-end (ff. 1r-5v), Ruth (ff. 5v-10v), Lamentations (ff. 10v-17r), Ecclesiastes (ff. 17v-29r), Esther (ff. 30r-42v) and haftarot (ff. 43r-131v).
Nota The haftarot from the middle of pericope "Mishpatim" until the middle of "Teẓavveh" as well as the end of the final haftarah for the "Minḥah" service of Yom Kippur are missing. The haftarah for the Ninth of Av was not copied.
Nota According to Cassuto, a short mutilated note dated 5154= שנ]ת קנד 1393/4] was found in the upper margin of f. 1r. Today, however, one can only discern the letters נד.

Legami ipertestuali
Segnatura Vat.ebr.22
Titolo uniformeHafṭarot