Catalogo Manoscritti

ID: 198352
Informazioni generali
Segnatura Vat.ebr.266

Locus 1v-137r
Altro nome Seʿadyah ben Yosef‏, Gaʾon, 882-942 (autore esterno)
Titolo פתרון ספר האמונות וחרצב הבינות
Titolo supplito Pitron Sefer ha-Emunot
Nota The anonymous paraphrase of Saadiah Gaon's philosophical treatise "Kitāb al-Amānāt wa-al-Ittiqādāt" known from the translation by Judah ibn Tibbon as "Emunot ve-Deʿot".
Nota MS Vat. ebr. 269 includes the translator's colophon from 4855=1095.
Nota A later hand added the title at the beginning ספר האמונות ר' סעדיה.
Nota Cf. M. Steinschneider, "Hebr. Uebersetzungen", pp. 440-443, H. Malter, "Saadia Gaon, his Life and Works" (Philadelphia 1942), pp. 361-362 and R. Kiener, "The Hebrew Paraphrase of Saadiah Gaon's "Kitāb al-Amānāt wa-al-Itiqādāt" "AJS Review", xi (1986), pp. 1-25.

Legami ipertestuali
Segnatura Vat.ebr.266
Altro autore/nomeSeʿadyah ben Yosef‏, Gaʾon, 882-942