Catalogo Manoscritti

ID: 198532
Informazioni generali
Segnatura Vat.ebr.276

Locus 1r
Altro nome Mosheh ben Naḥman, c. 1195-c. 1270 (autore esterno)
Titolo supplito Copy of a colophon
Incipit testo ראו מער[! וצ"ל ספר] ולספירת דברים
Nota At the beginning of the manuscript (f. 1r), by a different hand, a copy of a colophon by a proofreader or scribe, partly in verse, probably belonging to a Bible manuscript with the commentary of Moses b. Naḥman.
Nota One of the verses begins ראו מער[! וצ"ל ספר] ולספירת דברים.
Nota The name of the author of the colophon seems to be Moses and the date is עקרה בצרות לבריאה.

Legami ipertestuali
Segnatura Vat.ebr.276
Altro autore/nomeMosheh ben Naḥman, c. 1195-c. 1270