Catalogo Manoscritti

ID: 199305
Informazioni generali
Segnatura Vat.ebr.296
Datazione 15th century
Data inizio 1401
Data fine 1500
Nota generale Manuscript II (ff. 117-187)

Locus 121r-122r
Autore Aristoteles, 384-322 a.C. Opere spurie e dubbie (interno)
Altro nome Ḥarizi, Yehudah ben Shelomoh al-, 1165-1225, traduttore
Titolo אגרת עלי ואגרת ארסטו מעניני ההצלחה האמתית
Titolo supplito Iggeret ha-Mussar ha-Kelalit
Nota Epistle on ethics attributed to Aristotle and translated from the original Greek to Arabic by ʿAlī. Translated from the Arabic into Hebrew by Judah al-Ḥarizi.
Nota According to M. Steinschneider, "Hebr. Uebersetzungen", pp. 354-356, ʿAlī is to be identified with ʿAlī b. Riḍwān, but there is no evidence that this attribution is correct. Cf. S. Pines, לתולדות חיבור פסיבדו־אריסטוטלי "Tarbiẓ", xxiv (1955), pp. 406-409.

Legami ipertestuali
Segnatura Vat.ebr.296
AutoreAristoteles, 384-322 a.C. Opere spurie e dubbie
Altro autore/nomeḤarizi, Yehudah ben Shelomoh al-, 1165-1225