Catalogo Manoscritti

ID: 199352
Informazioni generali
Segnatura Vat.ebr.250
Datazione Late 14th century (after 1385)
Data inizio 1386
Data fine 1400
Nota generale Unit I (ff. 1-42. 133-139)

Locus 42r-v
Autore Elʿazar Ashkenazi ben Natan, ha-Bavli, sec. XIV (interno)
Titolo בס"ד שייך בספר מראות אלהים
Titolo supplito Notes on the first seven chapters of part iii of Moses b. Maimon's Guide of the Perplexed, concerning Ezekiel's chariot (merkavah)
Nota Missing in this manuscript from the middle of chapter six. Complete copies of this work are found in MSS Sassoon 341 and Vat. ebr. 221.
Nota "Marʾot Elohim" mentioned in the heading is not the name of this treatise but probably refers to the work of the same name by Ḥanokh b. Solomon Al-Constantini which follows this treatise in MS Vat. ebr. 221.
Nota In the notes, Eleazar Ashkenazi also mentions Al-Constantini: מסודות ר' חנוך.

Legami ipertestuali
Segnatura Vat.ebr.250
AutoreElʿazar Ashkenazi ben Natan, ha-Bavli, sec. XIV