Catalogo Manoscritti

ID: 202055
Informazioni generali
Segnatura Vat.ebr.438

Locus 1r–337r
Altro nome Bonfils, Yosef, payyeṭan
Altro nome Eliyahu, ha-Zaḳen c. 980-c. 1060
Altro nome Amitai, payyeṭan
Altro nome Yehudah, payyeṭan
Altro nome Shimʿon ben Yitsḥaḳ, payyeṭan
Altro nome Jose ben Jose
Titolo Maḥzor, Western Ashkenazic rite, for the High Holy Days and Succot
Nota Among the less familiar piyyutim in the Western Ashkenazic rite are מלך אמיץ כח רב עלילה by Joseph Bonfils (f. 40r–v), the seliḥot for the eve of Yom Kippur אמנם אשמינו עצמו מספר by Jose b. Jose (ff. 85v–87r) and אתה מבין תעלומות לב by Elijah b. Menahem ha-Zaken (f. 91v), the seliḥot for the Yom Kippur morning service אזכרה אלהים ואהמיה by Amitai (ff. 158v–159v), אלה אזכרה ונפשי עלי אשפכה by Judah (ff. 159v–161v) and אפס מרצה להפגיע בעדי by Simeon b. Isaac for the Musaf service (ff. 208v–209v). The seliḥot for the Neʿilah service include only a few stanzas or refrains each and not the entire compositions.

Legami ipertestuali
Segnatura Vat.ebr.438
Altro autore/nomeBonfils, Yosef, payyeṭan
Altro autore/nomeEliyahu, ha-Zaḳen c. 980-c. 1060
Altro autore/nomeAmitai, payyeṭan
Altro autore/nomeYehudah, payyeṭan
Altro autore/nomeShimʿon ben Yitsḥaḳ, payyeṭan
Altro autore/nomeJose ben Jose