Catalogo Manoscritti

ID: 202375
Informazioni generali
Segnatura Vat.ebr.522

Locus 1r–166v
Autore Rashi, 1040-1105
Titolo supplito Commentary on the Pentateuch
Titolo supplito [פירוש התורה לרש"י]
Nota Missing until Genesis xlviii:11 and from Deuteronomy xxv:7. The commentary on Exodus xxviii:6 is copied at the end of the Book of Exodus (ff. 66v–67r). With additions in the margins especially from David Kimḥi (mainly from his dictionary Sefer ha-Shorashim) קמחי or סה"ג ,דוד קמחי or מסה"ג, Targum Onkelos ' תרגו, a few from Abraham ibn Ezra, and on f. 163v from a work by Joseph Kimḥi ולפי' רבי' יוסף קמחי ז"ל.

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Segnatura Vat.ebr.522
AutoreRashi, 1040-1105