Catalogo Manoscritti

ID: 322694
Informazioni generali
Segnatura Borg.ind.46
Paese Thailand
Materiale Folding blackened leporello paper
Altezza 110
Larghezza 355
Numero fogli (totale) 112

Incipit Sappurut tham achan kha tae achan chong than mi khwan karuna kae khaphachao chuay bok wa phra pen chau yang pen prakan dai bang
Explicit Het phra pen chau mi dai prakop duay tua lae mi dai pen rut pen sing prakan dai ko ha mi dai lae phra pen chau pen tae chit viriya an prasoet ying
Nota This is a catechism text. The manuscript should be the first volume of a complete set as it says ต้น (first part) on the cover.

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Segnatura Borg.ind.46