Catalogo Manoscritti

ID: 350284
Informazioni generali
Segnatura Vat.ind.6
Data fine 1701
Localita' Batavia
Materiale paper
Altezza 400
Larghezza 310
Numero fogli (totale) 428
Nota generale This dictionary is one of the earliest known Malay-Dutch dictionaries, prepared by Cornelius Mutter who was also knowledgeable in Persian and had relation to A. Reland.

Titolo Lexicon Malaico Belgicum
Titolo supplito Lexicon Malaico Belgicum, confectum in India a C. Müttero (Malay Dutch Dictionary, prepared in the Indies by C. Mutter)
Incipit Following the title of the manuscript in f. 1r, there is no incipit. The ms is started wth ‘Baab Alif’ (Chapter Alif), the standard using Jawi-Islamic alphabet, followed by Latin transliteration and Dutch meaning.
Explicit The ms is ended with the last lemma i.e. nya

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Segnatura Vat.ind.6