Catalogo Manoscritti

ID: 351584
Informazioni generali
Segnatura Vat.estr.or.91
Datazione XIX-XX saec.
Paese Thailand
Materiale Palm leaves
Altezza 53
Larghezza 297
Numero fogli (totale) 29
Nota generale The text shows two different numerations but the contents of the two parts seem to connect—Thai traditional medication explain a child desease called “Saang”. They can be parts of the same text since the size of the palm leaves, the handwriting and the contents look the same. Currently, the manuscripts are confused and put in wrong sequence. The text is not complete, some folios might be missing.

Incipit Sitthikariya phra acariya visajjana thoeng sang 7 champhuak lae 7 wan
Explicit Khran dai 9 duan mae saang thi krabuam nan long ma duang 1 khuen klang lang pen 7 duang duay khan khran

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Segnatura Vat.estr.or.91