Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 20
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1) <Canones matutini pro feriis> secundum octo tonos distributi. sec. XI-XII
2) 1r-18r: <Tonus tertius>
3) 8v-12r: Ioseph Hymnographus, s., 816-886 Canon in SS. Apostolos feria 5 psallendus, toni tertii
4) 18r-40r: <Tonus quartus>
5) 29r-32v: Ioseph Hymnographus, s., 816-886 Canon in SS. Apostolos feria 5 psallendus, toni IV
6) 39ar-v: Troparia in festo S. Philareti; in Deiparam
7) 40r-60v: <Tonus obliquus primus>
8) 50v-53v: Ioseph Hymnographus, s., 816-886 Canon in SS. apostolos feria 5 psallendus toni plag. I
9) 60v-83r: <Tonus obliquus secundus>
10) 83v-104r: <Tonus gravis>

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