Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 5

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1) sec. XV
2) <XIII> 110r-111v: Lascaris, Costantino, 1434-1501 <Constantini> Lascaris <grammatices compendium> hic et illic paulo abbreviatum
3) <XIII> 112r-116r: Manuel Moschopulus, c. 1262-1316 Excerpta brevissima e <Moschopuli Erotematis> et <Lascaris grammatice>
4) <XIII> 116r-118r: Lascaris, Costantino, 1434-1501 Excerpta e <Lascaris grammatice>
5) <S. Anastasii Sinaitae> quaestiones 1-154 et s. Polycarpi epistula ad Philippenses. sec. XVI

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