Manuscripts Catalogue

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1) sec. XI
2) 1r-62v: Mauricius, imperatore d´Oriente, c. 539-602. Opere spurie e dubbie <Mauricii Strategicon> Urbicii Ἐπιτήδευμα
3) 63r-v: Philo Byzantius, sec. III/II a.C. <Philonis Byzantini> Mechanicae Syntaxis lib. IV vel potius excerpta librorum VII-VIII
4) 63v-90v: Iulius Africanus, m. c. 240 Περὶ κλεψύδρας
5) 90v-106r: Ὅπως χρὴ τῆς πολιορκουμένης πόλεως στρατηγὸν πρὸς τὴν πολιορκίαν ἀντιτάττεσθαι, καὶ οἵοις ἐπιτηδεύμασιν ταύτην ἀποκρούεσθαι
6) 106v, ll. 1-24. 114r, l. 4 ab imo-130r: Anonymi Παρεκβολαὶ ἐκ τῶν στρατηγικῶν παρατάξεων
7) 130v-131r, l. 13. 132r-214v, l. 10: Leo VI, imperatore d´Oriente, 866-911 Leonis imperatoris Tacticorum σύντομος παράδοσις
8) 131r-v. 214v, l. 11-234av: Anonymi Liber de re militari
9) 235r-240v: Nicephorus II Phocas, imperatore d'Oriente, 912-969 Nicephori τοῦ Βασιλέως (= Nicephori Phocae) Περι παραδρομῆς
Bibliographic references:
10) Jackson, Donald F., 1937- An Old Book List Revisited: Greek Manuscripts of Janus Lascaris from the Library of Cardinal Niccolò Ridolfi, In Manuscripta (Saint Louis) 1999-2000

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