Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 118
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1) Psalmi; Odae. sec. XI
2) 1v-4r: Evangelii fragmenta.
3) 5r-248v: Psalmi.
4) 249r-271v: Odae et orationes.
5) 272r-273r: Troparia (fragmenta).
Bibliographic references:
6) Vocotopoulos, Panayotis L. Demons, Reptiles and the Devil in Representations of the Baptism, In ΕΥΚΟΣΜΙΑ. Studi miscellanei per il 75° di Vincenzo Poggi S.J., 2003
7) Low, Peter "You Who Once Were Far Off": Enlivening Scripture in the Main Portal at Vézelay, In Art Bulletin 2003
8) Kostova, Rosina A Tenth-Century Graffito of St. Basil the Great in the Light of His Cult in Eastern Monasticism, In Palaeobulgarica 1998
9) Nicolaïdès, Andréas L’église de la Panagia Arakiotissa à Lagoudéra, Chypre: Etude iconographique des fresques de 1192, In Dumbarton Oaks Papers 1996
10) Peers, Glenn Iconoclasm and the Use of Nature in the Smyrna Physiologus (Evangelical School, B. 8), In Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 2000

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