Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 142
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1) 1r-13r: Bernardus Dorna, arciv. di Bourges, m. c. 1235 Summa libellorum
2) 1r-6r: Odofredus, m. 1265 Summa libellorum, c. 2-46
3) 6r-v: Odofredus, m. 1265. Opere spurie e dubbie De interdictis, c. 1-4
4) 13r-14v:
5) 14r: Iustinianus I, imperatore d'Oriente, 482-565 Digesta, libb. XXXIX - L. Tituli
6) 15r-16v: Foscarari, Egidio, m. 1289 Ordo iudiciarius, pars ultima
7) 16r: Roffredus Epiphanii, m. c. 1243 De libellorum formatione
8) 16v-21v: Damasus Magister, sec. XIII Brocarda iuris canonici, per Bartholomaeum Brixiensem correcta
9) 23r-111v: Suffragium monachorum.
10) 23r-24r: Innocentius PP. IV, c. 1200-1254 Apparatus in Decretales, lib. II, 25, 6

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