Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 7

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Bibliographic references:
1) Kannengiesser, Charles 1926- A propos du témoin syriaque (Cod. Vatic. Syr. 104) du traite Περὶ της ἐνανθρωπήσεωσ του Λόγου d'Athanase d'Alexandrie, In Texte und Textkritik. Eine Aufsatzsammlung, 1987
2) Mango, Marlia Mundell Where was Beth Zagba?, In Harvard Ukrainian Studies 1983
3) Ebied, Rifaat Y. An Unknown Letter of Cyril of Alexandria in Syriac, In The Journal of Theological Studies 1971
4) Kannengiesser, Charles 1926- Athanase édité par Robert W. Thomson, In Recherches de Science Religieuse 1973
5) Stead, George Christopher, 1913- Athanasius's «De incarnatione»: An Edition reviewed, In The Journal of Theological Studies 1980
6) Kessel, Grigory Membra disjecta sinaitica III: Two (Palimpsest) Fragments of Sin. geo. 49 and Their Four Syriac Undertexts In The Vatican Library Review
7) Athanasius, s., patriarca di Alessandria, 296-373 Contra Gentes and De Incarnatione, edited and translated by R. W. Thomson, Oxford early christian texts 2004.

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