Manuscripts Catalogue

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Bibliographic references:
1) Lapidge, Michael, 1942- Autographs of Insular Latin Authors of the Early Middle Ages, In Gli autografi medievali. Problemi paleografici e filologici. Atti del convegno di studio, Erice 25 sett.-2 ott. 1990, 1994
Bibliographic references:
2) Lapidge, Michael, 1942- More acrostic verse by Abbo of Fleury, In Journal of Medieval latin 1997
Bibliographic references:
3) Lapidge, Michael, 1942- "Beowulf", Aldhelm, the "Liber Monstrorum" and Wessex, In Studi medievali 1982
Bibliographic references:
4) Lapidge, Michael, 1942- The Autorship of the Adonic Verses «ad Fidolium» Attributed to Columbanus , In Studi medievali 1977
Bibliographic references:
5) Lapidge, Michael, 1942- Autographs of Insular Latin Authors of the Early Middle Ages, In Gli autografi medievali. Problemi paleografici e filologici. Atti del convegno di studio, Erice 25 sett.-2 ott. 1990, 1994
Bibliographic references:
6) Lapidge, Michael, 1942- Rufinus at the school of Canterbury, In La tradition vive. Mélanges d’histoire des textes en l’honneur de Louis Holtz, 2003
Bibliographic references:
7) Lapidge, Michael, 1942- Some remnants of Bede's lost Liber Epigrammatum, In English Historical Review
Bibliographic references:
8) Lapidge, Michael, 1942- Rufinus at the school of Canterbury, In La tradition vive. Mélanges d’histoire des textes en l’honneur de Louis Holtz, 2003
Bibliographic references:
9) Lapidge, Michael, 1942- Metrical Vita S. Iudoci from Tenth-Century Winchester, In Journal of Medieval latin 2000
10) Lapidge, Michael, 1942- Aethelwold and the "Vita s. Eustachii", In Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1988

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