Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 5

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1) 77r, 81r: Ana Dorotea Sofia de Austria, O.F.M.Exc., f. 1654 Memoriale a papa Innocenzo X.
2) 159r: Ricci, Nicolò, sac., f. 1654-1668 Lettera ad Anna Dorotea Sofia d'Austria.
3) 159r, 230r-231r: Ana Dorotea Sofia de Austria, O.F.M.Exc., f. 1654 Lettere a Nicolò Ricci.
4) 39r, 149r: Ana Dorotea Sofia de Austria, O.F.M.Exc., f. 1654 Lettere a Nicolò Ricci.
5) 149r: Ricci, Nicolò, sac., f. 1654-1668 Lettera ad Anna Dorotea Sofia de Austria.

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