Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 6

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1) p. 214-216: Borgia, Alessandro, arciv. di Fermo, 1682-1764 Lettera al P. Mauro Sarti, camaldolese.
2) 59v-60r: Zancari, Alberto de, 1280-1348 Breves quaedam glossae in Hippocratis aphorismos.
3) 93r-144v: Alderotti, Taddeo, 1223-1295 Consilia (156) medica
4) 172v-173v, 177r, 192r-v, 222v, 223v: Iulianus, sec. XIV Medicinae quaestiones variae.
5) 223v-225v: Bertucci, Niccolò, m. 1347 Medicinae quaestiones variae.
6) 182v: Alderotti, Taddeo, 1223-1295 Recepta quam magister Tadeus reliquit pauparibus in testamento

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