Manuscripts Catalogue

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Bibliographic references:
1) Hahn, Nan L. Medieval Mensuration: "Quadrans Vetus" and "Geometrie Due Sunt Partes Principales ...", In Transactions of the American Philosophical society 1982
Bibliographic references:
2) Hahn, Nan L. Medieval Mensuration: "Quadrans Vetus" and "Geometrie Due Sunt Partes Principales ...", In Transactions of the American Philosophical society 1982
Bibliographic references:
3) Hahn, Nan L. Medieval Mensuration: "Quadrans Vetus" and "Geometrie Due Sunt Partes Principales ...", In Transactions of the American Philosophical society 1982
Bibliographic references:
4) Hahn, Nan L. Medieval Mensuration: "Quadrans Vetus" and "Geometrie Due Sunt Partes Principales ...", In Transactions of the American Philosophical society 1982
Bibliographic references:
5) Hahn, Nan L. Medieval Mensuration: "Quadrans Vetus" and "Geometrie Due Sunt Partes Principales ...", In Transactions of the American Philosophical society 1982
Bibliographic references:
6) Hahn, Nan L. Medieval Mensuration: "Quadrans Vetus" and "Geometrie Due Sunt Partes Principales ...", In Transactions of the American Philosophical society 1982
Bibliographic references:
7) Hahn, Nan L. Medieval Mensuration: "Quadrans Vetus" and "Geometrie Due Sunt Partes Principales ...", In Transactions of the American Philosophical society 1982
Bibliographic references:
8) Hahn, Nan L. Medieval Mensuration: "Quadrans Vetus" and "Geometrie Due Sunt Partes Principales ...", In Transactions of the American Philosophical society 1982
Bibliographic references:
9) Hahn, Nan L. Medieval Mensuration: "Quadrans Vetus" and "Geometrie Due Sunt Partes Principales ...", In Transactions of the American Philosophical society 1982
Bibliographic references:
10) Hahn, Nan L. Medieval Mensuration: "Quadrans Vetus" and "Geometrie Due Sunt Partes Principales ...", In Transactions of the American Philosophical society 1982

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