Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 6

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1) 186av, 1r-3v: Theognis Megareus, sec. VI a.C. στίχοι Θεόγνιδος, i.e. Ἐλεγείων α´, 173-182, Σωκράτους fragmentum.
2) 27r: Galle, Theodor, c. 1571-1633 <Erma di Socrate>.
3) 28r: Galle, Theodor, c. 1571-1633 <Medaglia con busto di Socrate>.
4) 29r: Galle, Theodor, c. 1571-1633 <Socrate seduto>.
5) 30r: Galle, Theodor, c. 1571-1633 <Testa di Socrate>.
6) 32r: Galle, Theodor, c. 1571-1633 <Teste di Socrate e Platone>.

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