Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 2

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1) 290r-298r: Porzio, Gregorio, f. 1633. Opere spurie e dubbie Μητέρα, Θεῖον ἀείδω, καὶ Γόνον, ἠδὲ Θοκῆα, Εὔοδμον Φλωρεντίνος αἴας ἄνθος ἀείδω, Ἠχώ, Τῷ λαμπροτάτῳ Ἀνδρὶ.
2) 306r-310r: Porzio, Gregorio, f. 1633. Opere spurie e dubbie <Gregorii Porcii (?)> epigramma in iconam S. Sebastiani, <Gregorii Porcii (?)> epigramma in medicum qui equos et curriculum in flumen duxit, <Gregorii Porcii (?)> in iconam Abrahae, <lohannis Matthaei Caryophili (?)> epigramma in Amorem, <Gregorii Porcii (?)> epigrammata quattuor in Didonem, <Gregorii Porcii (?)> epigramma in iconam B.M.V.

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