Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 4

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Bibliographic references:
1) Michel, Patrick Les arts du somptuaire chez les Barberini: Commandes et achats d'objets d'orfèvrerie, In I Barberini e la cultura europea del Seicento 2007
2) Wolfe, Karin Ten Days in the Life of a Cardinal Nephew at the Court of Pope Urban VIII: Antonio Barberini's Diary of December 1630, In I Barberini e la cultura europea del Seicento, 2007
3) Petrucci Nardelli, Franca Il card. Francesco Barberini senior e la stampa a Roma, In Archivio della Società romana di storia patria 1985
4) Hammond, Frederick, 1937- More on Music in Casa Barberini, In Studi musicali 1985

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