Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 4

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Bibliographic references:
1) Coquin, René-Georges Les formes de la partecipation du peuple dans le rite copte, In Proche-Orient chrétien 1968
2) Sauget, Joseph-Marie, sac., 1926-1988 Introduction historique et notes bibliographiques au catalogue de Zoega, In Muséon 1972
3) Buzi, Paola Stefano Borgia’s Coptic Manuscripts Collection, In Coptic Treasures from the Vatican Library. A Selection of Coptic, Copto-Arabic and Ethiopic Manuscripts. Papers collected on the occasion of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies (Rome, September 17th-22nd, 2012), 2012
4) Hebbelynck, Adolphe, sac., 1859-1939 Inventaire sommaire des manuscrits coptes de la Bibliothèque Vaticane, In Miscellanea Francesco Ehrle, V: Biblioteca ed Archivio Vaticano; biblioteche diverse (Studi e testi, 41), 1924

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