Manuscripts Catalogue

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1) p. 591, Ir-Vr: Libri Rituales Ecclesiae Antiochenae Syrorum iubente Iosepho Maria Castelli S. R. E. Cardinali, Congregationis de Propaganda Fide Praefecto, moderante Stephano Borgia eiusdem Congregationis a secretis, interprete I.A. Assemani in Collegio Urbano eiusdem Congregationis linguarum arabicae et Syro-Caldaicae praeceptore, an.1773.
Bibliographic references:
2) Mateos, Juan, S.I., 1917- Prières syriennes d'absolution du VIIe-IXe siècles, In Orientalia Christiana Periodica

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