Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 18
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1) Riduzioni per flauto. sec. XIX med.
2) 2r: Bellini, Vincenzo, 1801-1835
3) 4r: Bellini, Vincenzo, 1801-1835
4) 7r: Bellini, Vincenzo, 1801-1835
5) 13r: Bellini, Vincenzo, 1801-1835
6) 17r: Auber, Daniel-François-Esprit, 1782-1871
7) 21r: Auber, Daniel-François-Esprit, 1782-1871
8) 24r: Bellini, Vincenzo, 1801-1835
9) 31r: Bellini, Vincenzo, 1801-1835
10) 34r: Bellini, Vincenzo, 1801-1835

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