Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 4

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Bibliographic references:
1) Russo, Francesco, M.S.C., 1908-1991 La Biblioteca del Card. Sirleto, In II Card. Guglielmo Sirleto (1514-1585). Atti del Convegno di studio nel IV centenario della morte (Guardavalle, etc. 5-7 ott. 1986), 1989
2) Hackett, Benedict, O. S. A., 1921- The Medieval Archives of Lecceto, In Analecta Augustiniana 1977
3) Strnad, Alfred A. 1937- Papal Policy and Local Reform. The Beginning of the Augustinian Observance in Tuscany, In Römische Historische Mitteilungen 1979
4) Strnad, Alfred A. 1937- Papal policy and local reform. The beginning of augustinian observance in Tuscany, In Römische Historische Mitteilungen

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