Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 67
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1) Plutarchi Vitae parallelae. sec. XV med
2) 1r-11v: Plutarchus, c. 50-127 Theseus
3) 11v-25r: Plutarchus, c. 50-127 Romulus
4) 25r-26v: Plutarchus, c. 50-127 Comparatio Thesei et Romuli
5) 26v-39r: Plutarchus, c. 50-127 Solon
6) 39r-48r: Plutarchus, c. 50-127 Publicola
7) 48r-49r: Plutarchus, c. 50-127 Comparatio Solonis et Publicolae
8) 49r-61r: Plutarchus, c. 50-127 Themistocles
9) 61v-78v: Plutarchus, c. 50-127 Camillus
10) 78v-93v: Plutarchus, c. 50-127 Pericles

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