Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 42
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1) 1r: Sermo in festo s. [Andreae?]
2) 1r, 164r:
3) 1v-3r: Translatio brachii Romam [s. Andreae apostoli]
4) 4r-14v: Beda Venerabilis, s., 673-735 Homiliae, lib. 2 homilia 23
5) 14v-15r: Prologus seu laudatio 1 [s. Andreae apostoli]
6) 15r-26v: Passio [s. Andreae apostoli]
7) 26v-29r: Augustinus, s., vesc. d'Ippona, 354-430 Sermo.
8) 29r-33r: Gregorius PP. I, Magnus, s., c. 540-604 Homiliarum in Evangelia liber II, homilia 30.
9) 32v-37r: Gregorius PP. I, Magnus, s., c. 540-604 Homiliarum in Evangelia liber I, homilia 5.
10) 33r-37v: Augustinus, s., vesc. d'Ippona, 354-430 In Iohannis Evangelium tractatus 7, excerptum in Iohann. 1, 47-51

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