Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 7

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1) 2r: Declarationes de breviaturis positis in quadam summa iuridica
2) 2v: Lingua hispanica
3) 18r-74r: Tabula alphabetica Decreti Gratiani.
4) 46r-v: Iohannes de Legnano, c. 1320-1383 Determinatio pro civitate Januensi egente pecunia
Bibliographic references:
5) Bertram, Martin The catalogue of juridical manuscripts in the Vatican Library: a report on the present state of an uncompleted project, In Miscellanea Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae XX (Studi e testi, 484), 2014
6) Maier, Anneliese, 1905-1971 Der Widerruf der «Articuli parisienses» (1277) im Jahr 1325, In Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum 1968
7) McCall, John P. The Writings of John of Legnano with a List of Manuscripts In Traditio. Studies in ancient and medieval history, thought and religion

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