Manuscripts Catalogue

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1) Miscellanea composta prevalentemente di frammenti di ordines iudiciarii. sec. XIII-XIV
2) 1r-4r: Summa "Ut nos minores".
3) 4rB-8vB: Summa de officio advocatorum.
4) 9r-16v: Richardus Anglicus, sec. XIII Ordo iudiciarius.
5) 17r-20r: Tancredus, 1185-1236? Ordo iudiciarius.
6) 20r-26v: Tancredus, 1185-1236? Summa de matrimonio.
7) 26v-30v: Damasus Magister, sec. XIII Summa decretalium.
8) 31r-v: Nepos, de Monte Albano, f. 1270 Libellus fugitivus.
9) 32r-34r: Pontius de Ilerda, f. 1220 Breviarium "Verborum superfluitate".
10) 34rB-35rA: Frédol, Bérenger, card., c. 1250-1323 Opere spurie e dubbie Casus in quibus quis incurrit sententiam excommunicationis ipso facto

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