Manuscripts Catalogue

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1) 17r-18r: Al-Kindī Ya'qūb Ibn Ishāq, Abū Yūsuf, m. 870 Liber de quinque essentiis
2) 46v-50r: Isrāʾīlī, Isḥāq Ibn-Sulaimān al-, c. 850-941 De definitionibus, Gerardo Cremonensi interprete
3) 59r-63r: Apuleius, sec. II Liber Perì ermeneias
4) 70v-71r: Al-Kindī Ya'qūb Ibn Ishāq, Abū Yūsuf, m. 870 De intellectu et intellecto, interprete Iohanne Hispalensi
5) 71r-74r: Al-Kindī Ya'qūb Ibn Ishāq, Abū Yūsuf, m. 870 Liber introductorius in artem logicae demonstrationis, interpretantibus Iohanne Hispalensi et Gundisalvo
6) 74v-76v: Farābī, Abū-Naṣr Muḥammad Ibn-Muḥammad al-, 873-950 Tractatus de intellectu et intellecto, Iohanne Hispaliensi interprete
7) 76v-78v: Alexander Aphrodisiensis, sec. III Liber de intellectu et intellecto latine reditus ex translatione arabica Isaac [id est Ishãq ibn Hunain] filii Iohanniti [id est Hunain ibn Ishãq]
8) 99v-103v: Fragmentum cuiusdam operis de logica: de inventione medii, de universalibus, de genere, de specie, de differentia, de proprio, de accidente, etc. Citantur Aristoteles, Porphyrius, Euclides, Boethius, Avicenna, Averroes, Avendeuht [Iohannes Hispalensis], Algazel.
Bibliographic references:
9) Due studi arabo-latini. I: Note in margine a “anniyya-anitas”. II: Gerardo da Cremona traduttore del “Flos Alfarabii”, 1993
10) Approaches and Attitudes to a New Theology Textbook: The “Sentences” of Peter Lombard, In The Intellectual Climate of the Early University. Essay in Honor of Otto Gründler, 1997

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