Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 4

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1) 1r-285r, 293v-298r: Cabrera, Cristobal de, sac., 1513-1598 In Canticum Canticorum de Divini Verbi incarnatione cantica
2) 286r-291r: Cabrera, Cristobal de, sac., 1513-1598 In Psalmum XLIV canticum
3) 291v-292r: Cabrera, Cristobal de, sac., 1513-1598 In Canticum Isaiae
Bibliographic references:
4) Burrus, Ernest José, S.I., n. 1907 Christóbal Cabrera (c.1515-1598), First American Author: A Check List of His Writings in the Vatican Library, In Manuscripta (Saint Louis)

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