Manuscripts Catalogue

ID: 22401

Bibliographic references
Author Fehl, Maria Raina, 1920-
Other name Fehl, Philipp P., 1920-2000
Title The Dedication Copy of Leopoldo Cicognara's Catalogo ragionato of 1821 (BAV: Riserva IV.169) and the Fondo Cicognara at the Vatican Library. Thoughts on a Legacy,
In Miscellanea Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae VI. Collectanea in honorem Rev.mi Patris Leonardi Boyle O.P. septuagesimum quintum annum feliciter complentis,
Note/Volume 191.

Hypertextual links
AuthorFehl, Maria Raina, 1920-
Other author/nameFehl, Philipp P., 1920-2000