Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 6

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Bibliographic references:
1) Lucà, Santo, 1947- Un codice greco del 1124 a Siracusa, In Rivista di studi bizantini e neoellenici 2001
2) Leroy, Julien, O.S.B., 1916-1987 Le renforcement à la mine brune dans les manuscrits grecs du XIIe siècle, In Rivista di studi bizantini e neoellenici 1990
3) Touliatos-Banker, Diane H. Check List of Byzantine Musical Manuscripts in the Vatican Library, In Manuscripta (Saint Louis) 1987
4) Lucà, Santo, 1947- I copisti Luca χθαμαλóς e Paolo ταπεινóς, In Archivio storico per la Calabria e la Lucania 2001
5) Royé, Stefan Mattheus An Assessment of Byzantine Codex and Catalogue Research: Towards the Construction of a New Series of Catalogues of Byzantine Manuscripts, In Sacris Erudiri. Jaarboek voor Godsdienstwetenschappen 2008
6) Leroy, Julien, O.S.B., 1916-1987 Quelques systèmes de réglure des manuscrits grecs, In Studia Codicologica (TU 124), 1977

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