Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 6

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Bibliographic references:
1) Williams, Frederick Neapolitanus II.C.32: A New Source for the Text of Pausanias, In Scriptorium 1982
2) Dochhorn, Jan Die Historia de Melchisedech (hist Melc) - Einführung, editorischer Vorbericht und Editiones praeliminares, In Muséon 2004
3) Diller, Aubrey, 1903-1985 Byzantine Lists of old and new geographical Names, In Byzantinische Zeitschrift 1970
4) Moore, Paul Iter Psellianum: a detailed listing of manuscript sources for all works attributed to Michael Psellos, including a comprehensive bibliography, (Subsidia mediaevalia, 26), 2005
5) Faraggiana di Sarzana, Chiara La Philocalia prima e dopo l’epoca di Fozio: indagini sulla sua trasmissione, con due appendici di Zisis Melissakis e Silvia Foschetti, In Adamantius
6) Acerbi, Fabio Byzantine easter computi, Studi e testi (Biblioteca apostolica vaticana) 2024.

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