Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 62
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1) sec. XII
2) 1r-265v: Psalmi
3) 266r-285v: Odae
4) 285v-289r: Aliae odae et hymni oratio Zacharii, oratio Ezechiae, oratio Manassae, <macarismi>
Bibliographic references:
5) Anderson, Jeffrey Clifford, 1946- The Palimpsest Psalter, Pantokrator Cod. 61: Its Content and Relationship to the Bristol Psalter, In Dumbarton Oaks Papers 1994
6) Anderson, Jeffrey Clifford, 1946- The Illustrated Sermons of James the Monk: Their Dates, Order, and Place in the History of Byzantine Art, In Viator. Medieval and Renaissance Studies 1991
7) Bernabò, Massimo Lo studio dell’illustrazione dei mss. greci del Vecchio Testamento, ca. 1820-1990, In Medioevo e Rinascimento 1995
8) Bernabò, Massimo Tre studi recenti sulla miniatura bizantina, In Miniatura 1993
9) Kalavrezou-Maxeiner, Ioli Critique of the Emperor in the Vatican Psalter gr. 752, In Dumbarton Oaks Papers 1993
10) Nicolaïdès, Andréas L'église de la Panagia Arakiotissa à Lagoudéra Chypre: Etude iconographique des fresques de 1192, In Dumbarton Oaks Papers 1996

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