Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 64
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1) sec. X in
2) 1r-37v: Theodosius Tripolita, astronomo, sec. I a.C. Theodosii sphaericorum libri III
3) 38r-43v: Autolycus, sec. IV a.C. Autolyci de sphaera quae movetur
4) 43v-77v: Euclides, sec. III a.C. Euclidis opticorum recensio Theonis, Euclidis phaenomena.
5) 77v-109v: Theodosius Tripolita, astronomo, sec. I a.C. Theodosii de habitationibus, Theodosii de noctibus et diebus.
6) 109v-118v: Aristarco di Samo, c. 310-250 a.C. Aristarchi de magnitudinibus et distantiis solis et lunae
7) 119r-133r: Autolycus, sec. IV a.C. Autolyci de ortibus et occasibus
8) 133v-135v: Hypsicles, sec. II a.C. Hypsiclis anaphoricus
9) 136r-144v: Euclides, sec. III a.C. Euclidis catoptrica
10) 146r-173r: Eutocius Ascalonius, sec. V-VI Eutocii commentaria in Apollonii conica

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