Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 91
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1) sec. XIV in
2) 1r-2v: Tabula operum quae in codice continentur
3) 2v: Scholion de quinque libris David
4) 3v: Tabula paschalis ab anno mundi ˏςϠμς᾿ (a. D. 1438) usque ad annum mundi ˏςϠξζ᾿ (a. D. 1459)
5) 4r-14r: Epiphanius, s., vesc. di Costanza in Cipro, c. 315-403 Liber de mensuris et ponderibus
6) 14v-15r: Iohannes Damascenus, s., 670-756 De fide orthodoxa (excerptum)
7) 15v-16r: Index librorum veteris et novi Testamenti cum stichometria
8) 16r-v: Quaestiones et responsiones de recta fide
9) 16v: Leontius Byzantinus, c. 480-543 De sectis (excerpta)
10) 16v-17v: Anathematismi

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