Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 76
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1) sec. XI?-XII
2) 1r-4v. 7r: Theophilus Protospatharius, sec. VII De urinis
3) 7v-10v. 5r-6r: Tabula portarum operis
4) 11r-267r: Ibn-al-Ǧazzār, Aḥmad Ibn-Ibrāhīm, 932-1009 Opus medicum librorum septem
5) 11r. 248r: Carmina anepigrapha duo
6) 267r-273r: Medica miscellanea
7) 273v-287v: Iohannes Damascenus, s., 670-756. Opere spurie e dubbie De evacuantibus medicamentis
8) 287v-288v: Galenus, Claudius, 129-199 De diebus decretoriis libri III (excerpta)
9) 289r-293r: De quattuor naturae elementis, quattuor rerum creatarum ordinibus, quattuor hominis elementis eorumque mixtione, de octo morborum causis, de quatluor naturae virtutibus quibus corpus alitur, de septem morborum signis
10) 293r-296r: Gregorius Nazianzenus, s., c. 330-390. Opere spurie e dubbie De sinthesis et differentia corporis humanae

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