Manuscripts Catalogue

Result(s): 556
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1) 1r-28v: Plutarchus, c. 50-127 Vita Alexandri Magni
2) 29r-51r: Plutarchus, c. 50-127 Vita Iulii Caesaris
3) 51v-60v: Plutarchus, c. 50-127 Vita Sertorii
4) 61r-72r: Plutarchus, c. 50-127 Vita Pauli Aemilii
5) 72r-93r: Plutarchus, c. 50-127 Vita Catonis Uticensis
6) 94v-119r: Plutarchus, c. 50-127 Vita Marci Antonii
7) 119r-132v: Plutarchus, c. 50-127 Vita Pyrrhi regis
8) 132v-139v: Plutarchus, c. 50-127 Vita Demosthenis
9) 139v-156r: Plutarchus, c. 50-127 Vita Ciceronis
10) 156r-167r: Plutarchus, c. 50-127 Vita Tiberii et Gai Gracchorum

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