Manuscripts Catalogue

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Bibliographic references:
1) Rose, Paul Lawrence The Pseudo-Aristotelian «Questions on Mechanics» in Renaissance Culture, In Studies in the Renaissance
Bibliographic references:
2) Rose, Paul Lawrence A Venetian patron and mathematician of the sixteenth century: Francesco Barozzi (1537-1604), In Studi veneziani
Bibliographic references:
3) Rose, Paul Lawrence A Venetian patron and mathematician of the sixteenth century: Francesco Barozzi (1537-1604), In Studi veneziani
Bibliographic references:
4) Rose, Paul Lawrence A venetian patron and mathematician of the sixteenth century: Francesco Barozzi (1537-1604), In Studi veneziani 1977
Bibliographic references:
5) Rose, Paul Lawrence Humanist Culture and Renaissance Mathematics: the Italian Libraries of the Quattrocento, In Studies in the Renaissance 1973
6) Rose, Paul Lawrence For the History of Codex A of Archimedes: Notes on the Estense, Carpi and Ridolfi Libraries, In Manuscripta (Saint Louis) 1977
Bibliographic references:
7) Rose, Paul Lawrence A venetian patron and mathematician of the sixteenth century: Francesco Barozzi (1537-1604), In Studi veneziani
Bibliographic references:
8) Rose, Paul Lawrence Humanist Culture and Renaissance Mathematics: the Italian Libraries of the Quattrocento, In Studies in the Renaissance 1973
Bibliographic references:
9) Rose, Paul Lawrence The Pseudo-Aristotelian «Questions of Mechanics» in Renaissance Culture, In Studies in the Renaissance
Bibliographic references:
10) Rose, Paul Lawrence A Venetian patron and mathematician of the sixteenth century: Francesco Barozzi (1537-1604), In Studi veneziani 1977

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